Figure 3-2 Scan Pattern A
Side-to-side Scanning Method. Start at the far left of your visual area and make a methodical
sweep to the right pausing in each block of viewing area to focus your eyes. Return to the
instrument panel at the end of the scan.
Figure 3-3 Scan Pattern B
Front-to-Side Scanning Method. Start in the center block of your visual area (center of front
canopy), move to the left focusing in each block; then, after reaching the last block on the left,
swing quickly back to the center block and repeat the scan to the right.
The amount of time spent scanning outside the cockpit in relationship to inside depends on
cockpit workload and traffic density. Remember, while you are staring at the instruments, the
nose attitude and wing position may become erratic, and while you stare at the nose position and
correct it, the instrument readings may change. You cannot afford to gaze at any one item for
any length of time or the pattern will be broken; instead, scan each position, initiate corrections,
and check those corrections when you return to that position in the scan pattern. Be alert! Look
Around! Never assume others see you.
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