When inside 12nm, slow to 180 KIAS. Initiate landing checks no later than 10nm on final,
or below 180 KIAS on downward if in the break/overhead. For a precision approach (ILS/PAR),
configure aircraft no later than 7nm or NLT 1 dot below glideslope (ILS). Fly 150 KIAS until
FAF, then Vref + 10 until short final. Expect pilot to fly approach flaps for non-precision
approaches until landing is ensured, and full flaps for precision approaches. Asking for gear
above 180 KIAS or asking to slow to gear speed when below 180 KIAS is a below in scan at a
minimum (can be an UNSAT at instructor discretion based on safety of flight judgement).
Missed approach/climb out instructions should be given after the landing checks and before the
FAF. Once the pilot takes over visually, the student should be scanning the "meatball" (outside
landing signal, i.e. ball), lineup, airspeed, and AOA. Generally, NO comments to the pilot are
desired unless the aircraft is outside safe parameters or there is conflicting traffic. Prior to
touchdown, the student should re-verify gear/flaps down and landing clearance.
This is not a Challenge and Response Checklist. The pilot completes it while the student
verifies thrust reversers on, flaps up, and thrust reversers deploying. If all six thrust reverser
lights are not illuminated, notify the pilot. Call distance to go vs. airspeed, i.e. "6 board, 110
kts". Remember, thrust reversers should normally be stowed by 60 KIAS.
The student will verbalize "Rollout Checklist complete" when the pilot completes the
rollout checks. If not on tower at touch down, ensure a switch to tower freq is made quickly.
Monitor tower until clear of the active runway(s) and clear the aircraft from 9 to 4 O'clock. Call
ground when clear of all active runways and then initiate the Clearing Runway Checklist.
Between these two checklists, the student "owns" the transponder, NAVAIDS, radios,
INU, cabin air selector, electrical panel, and copilot lighting.
This is not a Challenge and Response Checklist. The pilot completes this checklist while
the student ensures the power is up, and flaps are coming up. Monitor attitude and acknowledge
"positive rate of climb." The bottom line is to ensure the pilot performs the Waveoff checklist
and verbalizes "Waveoff checklist complete."
Ensure flaps are up and call for After Takeoff checks if departing the pattern. If, after the
gear is up, you still hear wind noise, make sure the pilot has the speedbrake in. If not departing
the pattern, continue to monitor positive rate of climb and comply with departure/climb out
instructions. Keep your "head on a swivel" looking for traffic.
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