| ![]() WEAPONS If either aircraft reaches Bingo fuel, the LL is terminated, and the flight proceeds to the
nearest suitable divert. An aircraft with an emergency has the option to assume the lead. Downed aircraft and SAR Procedures are briefed for each mission.
3.13.1. Students have the same responsibilities as in the FAM stage.
3.13.2. Each student prepares two briefing cards with all of the pertinent data filled in at the top
of the card. Lead Student is responsible for completing a DD-175 or filing the appropriate stereo
route. Students are responsible for their own jet card.
3.13.3. Prepare a briefing room. The board includes all the data from the briefing card as well as
the weather, questions of the day, a depiction of the Range and a Z diagram.
3.13.4. Bring to the brief: ATJ T-2C briefing guide Two models
3.13.5. All students are prepared to brief the hop. The student listed as the Lead on the flight
schedule does not necessarily lead the flight. The Lead IP designates the Lead Student at the
beginning of the brief.
3.14.1. Responsibilities are the same as in the FAM stage. Lead Student ensures the clearance is
filed with Base Ops and the WX brief is updated.
3.14.2. All students walk early in order to read the ADB, suit up and preflight.
3.15. START
3.15.1. Man up and start are the same as in FAM.
3.15.2. Each student obtains his/her own ATIS.
3.15.3. Lead Student calls for flight clearance at the appropriate time. Once clearance is
obtained, the Lead Student switches to Base frequency and checks in the Wingmen. Lead passes
the clearance to the Wingmen, switches the flight to Ground frequency and notifies Base
"Outbound." This is done after all aircraft have completed final checks (note Wingmen's hand
position). It is not necessary to read the entire clearance unless it is something other than what is
3.15.4. After obtaining ATIS, Wing students switch to Base frequency and wait for Lead to pass
the clearance. This procedure is the exact same as WEPS 1/2 except there are now three
Wingmen (as opposed to just one) to carry through all frequency changes. Three times the
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