down.") After gear is down P and CP will verbally confirm position: "Gear down P"/"Gear
down CP."
If at any time you do not get a response corresponding with Pocket Checklist (PCL) requirements
and you do not know why, ASK!
The T-1A is checklist-intensive, so it is very important the SNFO/SCSO become extremely
familiar with the cockpit layout to ensure quick and timely checklist completion. Cockpit
familiarity comes only by looking at a cockpit layout and performing the checklists until you are
comfortable with the location of switches and the proper checklist responses.
This section covers only checklist items that are not self-evident. Thorough discussions of
cockpit procedures and event flow are presented in Section II and Appendix A. Expanded
information on normal and emergency T-1A procedures is found in the Dash-1, Section II and
Section III. Crew duties and operating limits are covered in Sections IV and V.
Be sure to study all notes, warnings, and cautions associated with
Exterior Inspection Checklist
Preflight of any (Air Force) aircraft begins with reading the ATFO Form 781. The P and Mission
Commander will do this. They are checking the aircraft maintenance status (i.e., ensuring fuel,
oxygen, and oil has been serviced).
You will learn how to preflight the T-1A during the FAM 0 brief with an instructor. The
checklist is required for the exterior inspection. Gloves are required.
Ensure the wheels are chocked and the static ground wire is disconnected. A fire extinguisher
and fireguard shall be provided at the aircraft site. Some general things to look for when
preflighting any aircraft are: fluid leaks, safety wires, missing cotter keys, nuts, rivets,
disconnected or frayed wires, fluid levels, pitot system condition, and switch positions. As you
get to know your aircraft better, preflights will become more rapid.
Before Starting Engines
Upon entering the aircraft, ensure the silver Oxygen System Ready handle is pulled and don the
oxygen mask to ensure a good seal and flow. Check your oxygen mask Intercom Systems (ICS)
and smoke goggles. Adjust your seat, pedals, and harnesses, and set up your comm panel.
Obtain Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) information and set your altimeters.
While waiting for the P to complete the preflight, set up your clock, pressure controller,
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