| ![]() APPENDIX C
19. Time Estimates
● Update estimated time of arrival
● Calculates estimated time of arrival at each
at each navigational checkpoint
navigational checkpoint within one minute of actual
given a specified course and/or
mark on top.
● Times shall be stated in minutes and seconds
flight log, factoring in observed
meteorological conditions.
20. Intermediate Checkpoints
● Fixes position off ground
● Utilizes at least one identifiable ground reference
references depicted on the chart
for each leg to establish position within 0.5 NM.
and corrects if needed.
21. Turnpoint Identification
● Visually locate, identify, and fix
● Visually identifies and locates 80% of TPs.
● Must identify and overfly the target within 0.5 NM
position off preplanned TPs.
and +30 seconds.
22. Turnpoint Procedures
● Perform instrument TP calls.
● Makes appropriate instrument Two-Minute Prior,
MOT, and WL calls using proper format and
terminology (90% accuracy).
23. Dead Reckoning (DR) Navigation
● Navigate the low-level route by
● Directs the P to fly correct wind-compensated
means of time and heading.
airspeeds +5 KIAS and headings +2.
● Updates the ETA to every TP except the target if
less than 12 seconds off time.
● Turns on the updated ETA if TP is not visually
● Utilizes clock, chart, ground procedure to
accurately fix position.
24. Wind Consideration
● Identify the wind and apply
● Correctly identifies the wind velocity +10 KIAS
and direction +30.
● Applies correct compensations to the base airspeed
+5 KIAS and +2 to the heading within 15 seconds
of identifying the wind.
25. Course Corrections
● Maintain the centerline of the
● Never deviates outside route corridor.
● Applies the course correction first when off course
route, apply corrections back to
centerline in a timely manner.
and off time after fixing position.
● Initiates standard course corrections and BDHIs in
accordance with FTI.
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