Emergency Pitch Trim
Emergency pitch trim is used when the normal pitch trim is inoperative. Pitch trim travel time
from full nose up to full nose down in emergency mode is approximately 45 seconds.
Pitch Trim Indicators
An analog indicator located on the P side of the instrument panel indicates horizontal stabilizer
trim position. The UP and DN indicator positions coincide with two amber annunciators also
placarded NOSE UP and NOSE DN. One annunciator is on the left side of the shroud panel; the
other is between the amber annunciators on the right side.
Roll Trim
A roll trim tab located on the outboard trailing edge of each wing provides lateral trim. The trim
tabs travel 25 up and 25 down from neutral position. Operating time of the trim tabs from full
up to full down position is approximately 25 seconds.
Roll Trim Indicator
The roll trim position indicator, located on the aft center portion of the pedestal, electrically
indicates the movement and position of the trim tabs. The indicator pointers show the relative
trim tabs position in relation to neutral.
Rudder Trim
A rudder trim tab installed on the trailing edge of the rudder controls directional control trim.
Full range of the tab travel is 25 full left and 25 full right of the rudder trailing edge. Operating
time from neutral to full deflection is approximately 48 seconds.
Rudder Trim Indicator
The rudder trim position indicator is located on the pedestal. The electrically controlled pointer
indicates the rudder trim tab position in relation to the tab deflection from the neutral position at
the top of the dial.
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