Entrance Door
The entrance door is located on the forward left side of the fuselage. When opened, the door
swings out and forward, and is held open by a gust lock installed on the doorframe. The door is
equipped with eight door lock indicators visible through small circular windows to confirm the
door is closed and locked. When the door is completely closed and properly locked, the
indicators are white. If the door is not securely locked, the indicators appear red.
To open the entrance door from outside the aircraft, push the button located in front of the door
handle and push in on the forward end of the door handle. This will force the handle out of the
recess. Turn the handle one-quarter turn clockwise to unlock the door and pull the door outward.
To open the entrance door from inside the aircraft, push the button located on the door handle
and turn the handle upward following the OPEN arrow.
To close the door from inside the aircraft, raise the steps using the assist cable and stow inside
the aircraft. Push the red PUSH TO CLOSE DOOR button on the door hinge, grasp the assist
handle, and pull the door closed. Holding the door closed, rotate the door handle clockwise to
the horizontal locked position.
Escape Hatch
An inward-opening plug-type hatch is located directly opposite the entrance door to provide for
emergency entrance/egress.
To open the escape hatch from inside, pull the cover free, remove the lockpin (if not previously
removed), push the handle hook to release the handle, and pull out. This allows top of hatch to
extend into the aircraft. Using the lower handhold, support and raise the hatch to clear the
hinges, remove and stow.
Seating for a crew of three is provided in the flight compartment. Getting into and out of these
seats can be difficult, especially without an understanding of the configuration. To assist in P
and Copilot (CP) seating entrance and egress, two overhead handholds are installed laterally in
the ceiling of the forward flight deck.
P and CP Seating
P and CP seats are equipped with a pair of adjustment levers which allow both fore/aft and
vertical movement of the seats, a shoulder harness restraint locking handle, and hinged armrests
that fold up to facilitate seat entry and egress.
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