6. Red EMG button acts as a RESET in case of power fault. This function also allow the
pilot to T/R on VHF and the copilot to T/R on UHF 1, bypassing the RCS in case of malfunction.
7. VOX CANNOT be adjusted.
C. VHF Radio - transfer switch between two frequencies.
D. Transponders - select #1 or 2, STBY/ON/LO, IDENT, ALT RPT (mode "C"), MON.
E. TACAN - check X/Y, switch for Air-Air (DME only) or Air-Ground (azimuth and DME).
F. UHF Radios- OFF/MAINBOTH/ADF, squelch, manual/preset/read.
ADF is UHF/DF, ADF2 needle on EHSI (UBF #1 has priority).
- BOTH (MAIN & monitors GUARD)
1. Two receivers for VOR. Azimuth and DME VOR 1 and azimuth only VOR 2. VOR 1
can be used for ILS azimuth and glideslope. (only 1 VOR in T-39G)
2. Test switch will center CDI bar (set to 360) for VOR, or show 1 dot right/1 dot low for a
1. Displays only relative bearing to a station.
2. OFF, ANT (no azimuth), ADF (azimuth), TEST (90 degree change in bearing).
3. Transfer switch between 2 selected frequencies.
4. Uses ADF 1 needle on EHSI.
I. Stormscope modes (T-39N)
1. 360 or 120 degrees wx mapping.
2. Checklists.
3. Time/date.
J. Flight instruments
1. Radalt (located on pilot side in T-39G)
a. 0 to 2500 feet, NO TONES associated with radalt.
b. Can SET radalt to nearest 1 foot by simultaneously depressing and rotating set knob
until desired height is displayed on digital display.
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