17. The clock switch must be placed at RUN in order to get the flight time clock to start.
18. The outside air temperature gauge should not be used for computing takeoff or reverse
thrust EPR, but should be used for waveoff EPR. (TRUE/FALSE)
19. For normal operation, the copilot EHSI will use heading information from Compass #2.
20. Turning the __________ knob of the EHSI control panel will spin the CDI bar and set the
desired course in the upper (right/left) of the EHSI. Pressing the center of the knob will
21. Selection of a navaid for the CDI bar controls the distance source in the upper left of the
EHSI. Selecting VOR 1 gives _______________, VOR 2 gives ______________, and TCN 1
gives ___________.
22. With the CDI bar set on VOR 1 repeatedly pressing the HSI button will:
a. Remove the single and double needles from the display.
b. Change the CDI to display VOR 2 course info.
c. Cycle between DME, SPD or TTG in lower left.
d. Automatically sync the CDI to the inbound course.
23. If a needle chosen for display on the EHSI is not receiving valid information, it will
a. Spin until it locks up.
b. Flash red and white then disappear.
c. Lock up at 3 o'clock/9 o'clock.
d. Not be displayed at all.
24. In the ARC mode, needles are displayed as in the HSI mode. Additionally, there is a
digital presentation of the radial (V or TACAN) or bearing inbound (ADF or UHF/DF).
25. The ARC mode presents a compass display + _______degrees from the aircraft heading.
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