F. Start Sequence
1. ENGINE MASTER switches ON:
a. Opens the respective fuel shutoff valve (FUEL SHUTOFF FAIL light while valve
in transition).
b. Arms igniters to come on with throttle at IDLE.
c. Energizes wing mounted centrifugal fuel boost pump.
d. Provides DC essential bus power to T/R system.
e. Arms hydraulic warning horn.
2. Depress push-pull starter button. Hold until 30% RPM in case the DC voltage is
insufficient to hold the solenoid.
a. May be pulled out to suspend engine start.
b. Pops out at 31-35% rpm with the starter current less than 200 amps to terminate
start cycle.
3. Throttle to IDLE at 8-10% RPM, ignition is energized. A red light in starter button
indicates that ignition is on.
4. Starter/Generator
a. Performs as a starter until 31-35% rpm.
b. Starter cycle limitation:
Four 30-second cycles in a 20 minute period with 2 minutes between cycles.
c. Generator will come online at 40% unless the starter button is stuck.
5. Ignition on until 31-35%.
6. Start ABORT criteria:
After depressing the starter button:
8-10% RPM not attained in 15 seconds
b. No oil pressure within 20 seconds
After moving the throttle to IDLE
c. Fuel flow < 260 or > 600 PPH (hot start)
d. No light off within 20 seconds (wet start)
Engine fails to reach IDLE (42% + 1% RPM) within 1 minute (hung start)
f. Max tailwind for start is 10 kts.
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