3. Movement is available at a reduced rate if one actuator fails.
4. Handle on center pedestal
a. UP - for T/O and after touchdown to increase weight on wheels for brake
b. HOLD - allows for intermediate positions; approach flaps = 66%.
c. DOWN - 25 degrees; 180 KIAS max; 0-2g.
5. Flap position indicator on center instrument panel.
Recommended no flap landing for x-wind > 25 kts.
7. Increase Vref by 10 kts for no flaps landing (same as single eng.)
D. Slats
1. Operate as a function of airspeed and AOA.
2. Begin to open as aircraft decelerates through 180 KIAS.
3. Increase Vref by 15 kts if stuck slat.
E. Stall warning
1. Stick shakers at 24 units AOA.
2. Stall warning transducers under center of right wing, just behind leading edge.
3. Operate -
Below 16000:
107% of STALL speed
Above 42000:
110% of FLAMEOUT (180)
16K - 42K:
whichever is higher
4. Automatic power to both igniters (starter button lights-starter duty cycle applies).
F. Prohibited maneuvers
1. Pitch greater than 60 degrees up or down.
2. Lateral deflections > 1/2 throw above 300 KIAS (225KIAS if 2 adjacent or more than
3 total vortex generators are missing).
3. Spins.
4. Operation in stall warning buffet ABOVE 25K.
5. Yaw maneuvers in other than lg flight.
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