The Cut
Once the initial target aspect is determined, establish a cut that will point you toward either
the LS line or the goal TA line, whichever will be achieved first. This will, most likely, place the
bogey off CB, causing the bogey to drift, thus changing TA. The drift may be predicted based
on the number of degrees the bogey is off CB and the range. It follows that the number of
degrees a bogey is off CB (magnitude of the cut) will be determined by the number of degrees
the fighter is away from the goal TA.
Consider two things when determining the magnitude of the cut necessary to attain the
TA/LS goal. The first consideration is the effect of the cut. In very basic terms, the quickest
way to build or lose LS is with a 90 cut away from or into the BFP. The way to maintain LS is
with a 0 cut, (fighter steady on the bogey's reciprocal) paralleling the BFP. If your goal is to
decrease TA, you must fly toward the BFP with a cut "into" that is larger than the collision cut.
Increasing TA can be done one of three ways: the fighter can establish a cut "into" that is smaller
than a collision cut, a zero cut, or a cut "away" from BFP.
Varying Turn Rate to Cut Heading
This is an extremely valuable tool to use in tactical conversions. The intercept starts with
GCI turning the bogey in one direction to an assigned heading and commanding the fighter to
turn in the opposite direction. This maintains the bearing relationship throughout the turn until
the bogey and fighter are steady, assuming both use the same turn rate. This is because both
aircraft have essentially the same radius of turn.
The fighter can effectively cause TA and LS to change prior to steadying up on a cut by
varying the turn rate. By easing out of the hard turn or hardening the turn to hard as possible, the
fighter can influence his turn radius, thus increase or decrease lateral displacement in the turn.
If the fighter must turn through the bogey bearing to arrive at
the desired cut, increase to a hard as possible turn.
If the fighter is not turning through the bogey bearing, ease to
a standard turn.
Attack Heading
Normally, attack heading (AH) will be the fighter heading that will result in the bogey being
on collision once the goal TA/LS has been achieved. AH can be calculated early and included as
part of the game plan. Occasions will arise, however, where the goal is not achieved (short setup,
poor procedures, late turn to AH, faulty GCI, degraded radar, etc).
Despite the given TA or LS goal, the utlitmate goal is to correctly
assess existing TA to allow for a Sparrow shot
followed by a successful reattack.
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