The previous figure shows 65 TA at 55 AO (120 cut) with the fighter and bogey on
collision due to the fighter's 0.1 IMN speed advantage. Because collision bearing is 1/2 the cut
(in this case 1/2 of 130 cut is 65L), angle off is now 10 smaller than the TA.
A 0.1 IMN speed advantage moves collision bearing in by 5
With 55 or greater TA the fighter will command "Left/Right hard for displacement" at 8 nm
and commence a displacement turn, just as with lower TA. The rule of 50 still applies, but note
that 50 of heading change may not be required, and the bogey will not go across the fighter's
nose. The bogey will then be allowed to drift inward to the fighter's nose. A counterturn is then
initiated to hold the bogey on the fighter's nose. When assured of rolling out in range, the fighter
will remove the buster by commanding "Throttle back, set speed .5."
"Sneak A Peek"
Due to a combination of the limits of the scope and GCI error, there may be an occasion
when the actual position of your contact is beyond the limits of the scope. Therefore, when the
initial setup is such that the weapons officer has a 90 cut or greater, and after solid effort has
been made to find the bogey through good search increments, the student will sneak a peek.
In essence, a sneak a peek is a 20 turn into the cut. It is important to remember the new cut,
once a sneak a peek is executed. For example, the student is on a 110R cut looking 50R for
60L TA and cannot find the contact. The student should direct a RT Hard 20 turn for a 90R
cut. Two things can happen: (1) the contact is now on the scope, in which case the student
makes a BRA call to identify the contact and places the contact on CB using the cut→AO
formula. (Pay attention to requirement for the buster) (2) if no contact is found, the student will
listen for subsequent bogey information and, using BR→BB, place the bogey on CB and
continue with a GCI run.
It is apparent that TA is the determining factor in the use of the buster in these "cold 100"
set-ups. In the beam area, an increase of .1 IMN by the fighter allows the fighter to hold the
bogey on a collision bearing that is 5 closer to the nose than in a co-speed situation.
The procedures for "cold 100" setups are as follows:
1. Compute TA
2. Command the speed increase, "Buster, set speed .6"
3. Compute or change the fighter's heading as necessary to generate the proper angle off
4. Make collision course corrections until 2 NM prior to the displacement turn
Not all collision corrections will require a heading change
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