Initial GCI call of "Gritrock, picture, single group, Bull 194-68, medium." The fighter
achieves radar contact in the turn and steadies with the contact on the nose at 237.
Radar contact at 29 nm, and the weapons officer analyzes right-to-left drift. (Scope
interpretation is critical)
Fighter commands "Left hard" to place the bogey at 30R AO (opposite of the direction
of drift).
The fighter has steadied 205 (due to continued bogey intercept drift in the turn) with
the bogey at 30R AO.
Initial estimate is 60R cut, 30L TA. The fighter makes a contact call, "Gritrock,
Sweep, BRA 235-26, medium, declare." GCI responds with "Sweep, Gritrock, BRA
235-26, hostile engage."
The contact is 33 right AO, so the fighter commands "Easy right" to place the contact at
30 right AO. At 23 nm, the fighter observes outward drift.
Command "Right hard" to put the bogey at 20R AO and the new heading will be
approximately 216, though the angle off is more important than our exact heading.
Updated estimate is 40R cut, 20L TA, and (rounding fighter heading to 220 and
adding the 40 right cut to get a bogey recip of 260) BH 080.
The fighter continues to counter the drift and update cut, TA, and BH estimates until no
more corrections are required.
Large Target Aspect Considerations
If a correction places the bogey at 50 AO and inward drift is observed, then the TA is greater
than 50. A speed advantage must be used by the fighter to control the intercept. Knowledge of
the effects of speed adjustments is critical to properly analyze TA. The Unknown Procedures
chart explains the effects and must be applied where necessary.
Utilizing Rate of Closure (ROC)
As bogey drift is monitored and countered throughout the unknown intercept, scanning the
ROC indicator will support the TA analysis. With a radar contact on the nose and 610 kts of
closure, assume very low TA before seeing any drift. Conversely, the observance of low ROC
indicates higher TAs. The ROC can be used to support information gained during drift analysis.
Last Ditch Procedures
Prior to taking a bogey to lead, utilizing a fast (yet accurate) procedure will fine-tune the TA
analysis for a drifting bogey. This is a short-cut procedure designed to quickly approximate TA
for lead and displacement decisions. Last ditch procedures are used only inside 15nm. During
last ditch, drift is analyzed, without heading changes (i.e. no secondary corrections) over 4 nm of
downrange travel. Last ditch procedures apply to the timeline from 15 nm to 11 nm.
If the bogey is drifting inward, TA is larger than the current estimate. If the bogey is drifting
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