contact by 10 degrees to establish a cold counterturn but, again, no matter what method is used,
the student should brief their plan for bogies with different airspeeds and how they will
accomplish it.
Forward Quarter Fox-2: If the fighter continues to try and execute a counterturn on a
bogey that remains nose on, the bogey could eventually roll out in the fighter's rear quarter!!!
This would obviously not be a desired position. So, after the timely and aggressive reaction to
attempt to cool off the initial heading jink into, the fighter must break off the counterturn,
employ a forward quarter Fox-2 (ROE met), and then continue to a forward quarter merge. The
decision of when the fighter can or cannot "make it around the corner" can be difficult and is
made by applying trend analysis to bogey's TA readout, ROC, drift, RROC, and heading/TA
vector. If the fighter makes no reaction until late in the counterturn, the probability of employing
the Fox-2 is low. However, at least a neutral to offensive position advantage will be maintained
by taking the bogey to the nose. The time from decision to merge will be very quick (5-10
seconds), so the student needs to execute the procedures listed in Part I from memory.
Bug Out: After a merge, a bug out maneuver may be chosen to maximize range between the
fighter and the threat. Bug outs are effective when flight path separation is minimal with close to
180 DTG. If a bug out is elected, the fighter should neutralize the fight as much as possible (by
making a 30 degree check turn into the contact's flight path), unload the aircraft to less than 1
"g", go to full power, and put the threat at the fighter's 6 O'clock (GCI bogey bearing calls at
bottom of RMI). The student will need to reset the radar post-merge using ACM-S (slewable)
mode initially, then, once the GCI picture develops, switch to mission radar mode as the situation
dictates. The student should let GCI know that they are bugging (and in which direction), at
which time they may expect "GREEN" calls that tell what direction the fighter should head in
order to clear out of the engagement area.
When considering a bug-out, the student must realize that there is a point at which the fighter
can be so defensive that execution of a bug will only sweeten up the rear quarter shot opportunity
for the bandit. In other words, the fighter would be writing its own death certificate. In this
case, there is no choice except to continue to fight defensively and hope the bandit makes a
mistake such that the fighter can capitalize by creating a neutral merge and then executing the
Escort VID: A fighter may be tasked with identifying and escorting an unknown aircraft. In
this case, a forward quarter VID is not desirable, as the fighter must maneuver to join and escort
the aircraft. A counterturn is most desirable, but if turning room is denied, a VID must be
performed at the merge or pre/post merge.
Communication: Throughout all three stages of advanced intercepts, BRA or AREO calls
will remain the same; BRAs continuing down to F-1 range. In addition, however, any
recognized bogey jinks in altitude, airspeed, and heading should be announced. This
communication should be as "global" as possible to describe the threat situation to other
(simulated) fighters in the area. For example, a 20 degree target aspect bogey is on collision with
620 kts ROC. Suddenly, the fighter recognizes a jink away to a bogey heading of 270 and ROC
drops to 300 kts. After the BRA call, the fighter would say, "bogey's fast, beaming west".
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