Figure 8
Medium TA
With medium target aspect (20-25), the displacement turn maintains the fighter's position
relative to the bogey flight path. The fighter already has 20,000 feet of LD. When outward drift
is noted, it is countered initially with an easy turn (standard turn for what rounds to 25 TA).
The bogey should show a slight steady inward drift to allow maximum control of the loss of
lateral separation.
In order to maintain a slight steady inward drift towards the nose, the weapons officer has to
carefully watch as the drift slows or stops. Increase or decrease the turn rates as necessary to
maintain the drift. Again, the bogey should be on the nose at the 90 DTG position with 2 nm
slant range. Use Ease, Hold and Harder commands to maintain the bogey on the nose through
the rear quarter. The fighter is attempting to roll out within and 1 nm.
Figure 9
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