STEP 5: The DOP is determined from the cut (bogey recip relative to the fighter heading).
For instance, if bogey recip is left of fighter heading (as in the above example), the direction of
pass is left-to-right; if bogey recip is right of fighter heading, the direction of pass is right-to-left.
Example 1:
By now aircrew should be able to orient the fighter and bogey flight paths given one aircraft
heading and either the cut or DTG/DOP.
Example 1: Given FH 030; 150 DTG R-L pass
Step 1: Since we have a 150 DTG R-L, we know we have a 30R cut (180 - 150 = 30)
Step 2: Since cut = FH to BR, we go from FH of 030 to BR of 060
Step 3: If BR is 060, then BH is 240
Figure 8
Note that aircraft positions on the respective flight paths do not yet come into play. Only the
flight paths themselves and the angles made by their intersection are being referred to at this
Example 2:
140 DTG L-R
with 30L AO
140 + 30 + TA = 180
TA = 10R
AA = 180 - 10R = 170R
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