Figure 6
Therefore, at 10 miles, the TA will have to be a quantity such that TA x SR x 100 = LD of
20,000'. Working backwards, 20,000 = 10 nm x 100 x ? TA. TA = 20,000/1,000 = 20R.
Figure 7
It should be re-emphasized that collision bearing with 180 DTG is dead ahead (DA) and the
bogey was 10R of CB at 20 miles and is now 20R of collision bearing at 10 miles, verifying
the drift projection rule.
Spatial Picture
To realize the fighter's position advantage or disadvantage, it is paramount to have a good
understanding of the spatial relationship between the fighter and the bogey.
Here at VT-86, target aspect is the most important variable in the fundamental intercept
triangle, because it is this angle that determines the type of intercept that should be
accomplished, the amount of lateral displacement available for a reattack (counterturn), and the
parameters for missile firing. IP-7 will address the formulas for computing target aspect and
collision course corrections (CCCs).
There are only three possible situations in which the fighter and bogey can be oriented. Each
situation should be carefully studied and understood before proceeding.
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