Predicting Angle Off
We know the bogey will always drift if it is not on collision bearing. Provided there is no
change in bogey or fighter heading, angle off can be predicted by utilizing the following formula:
As the range halves, the degrees the bogey is off
Collision bearing will double
In Figures 4 and 5, DTG is 160, R-L pass, with collision bearing at 10R. (Remember, since
CB is always 1/2 the cut, you must therefore have a 20R cut to be on collision). If the bogey
has an AO of 20R at 20 miles, how can you predict the future AO?
Use the above formula to work through this example:
a. With 160 R-L, 10R CB and 20R AO at 20 miles, the bogey is 10 off collision
b. The bogey will be twice the distance off CB at 10 miles, or the bogey will be 20R of
CB. Since neither aircraft has changed heading, the cut and CB have remained constant
(20R cut & 10R CB). The bogey is now 20R of the 10R CB, putting the bogey at 30R
Figure 4
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