In the initial phase of an intercept, the aircrew will be using GCI information to set up a
collision course. In this case, Formula 1 would be appropriate. Once the weapons officer has a
radar contact, it is more desirable to use Formula 2.
Modern tactical fighter aircraft like the F-18, F-14, and F-15 have computer systems to assist
the weapons officer initiating the intercept. Before these systems can be used effectively,
however, a thorough understanding of intercept fundamentals is necessary.
Target Aspect Formula Visualization
The first formula for determining TA, BR to BB, uses the BDHI.
Figure 3
In Figure 3, the angle measured from the bogey reciprocal over to the extended bogey
bearing is the same as target aspect measured from the bogey's nose over to the bogey bearing
line. Remember, TA has a magnitude in degrees and a direction.
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