1. If TA indicates less than the desired displacement (20,000'), then the fighter's flight path
should be pointed away from the bogey's flight path to increase lateral displacement.
Figure 2
2. If the TA indicates that lateral separation is equal to the ideal amount of turning room,
then the fighter's flight path should be oriented parallel to the bogey's flight path, maintaining the
lateral displacement that already exists.
Figure 3
Note: The objective of this DT is to maintain LD. Since aircraft do not turn instantaneously,
if we want to maintain the ideal amount of LD, the fighter nose should be pointed slightly away
from BFP after the DT.
3. If the TA indicates that LD is greater than the desired turning room, then the fighter's
flight path should be pointed slightly toward the BFP, so as to gradually decrease the lateral
displacement. This will decrease it at a slower rate than would occur if a collision course were
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