Figure 1
Physical Characteristics
Length............................12 feet
Diameter..........................8 inches
Wingspan........................40 inches
Weight.............................510 pounds
Motor Burn Time.............3.5/12.5 secs
Warhead...........................85 pounds
Kill Radius......................40 feet
Turning............................25 g's
Minimum range...............1000 feet
Velocity...........................2.5 Mach
Max. Target Alt...............89,000 feet
Launch time......................1.5 seconds
A. Guidance and Control
Once the fighter has illuminated the target with a radar lock, the Sparrow guides on the
reflected energy of the target using a forward-looking planar-array antenna. The missile receives
guidance information from the fighter's own radar via a rear facing antenna on the end of the
missile. The forward wings are controlled by an open-loop hydraulic system that is pressurized
upon trigger squeeze. Once the hydraulic fluid is used, it is vented out of the missile. When the
fluid has been exhausted, the missile can no longer maneuver.
B. Fuse
The AIM-7 has a safe and arm device that delays arming of the missile until it has traveled a
safe distance in front of the launch aircraft. The Sparrow has both a contact fuse and a proximity
fuse, which will detonate the missile at the closest point of approach to the target.
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