(4) "Left/right hard as possible" The pilot will use the maximum angle of bank possible
that permits the fighter to maintain airspeed and altitude with full military power. In the T-39
this usually equates to a 60 degree angle of bank.
(5) "Harder" After any bank angle is established, the command "Harder" is used to
establish the next higher increment of bank.
"Ease" This establishes a slow roll to a wings level position.
(7) "Hold" The pilot will hold the present bank angle. This command follows an "Ease"
and is used to establish any bank angle desired.
"Steady up" The pilot will roll the fighter to a wings-level position.
(9) "Reverse" The pilot will immediately turn in the opposite direction with the same
angle of bank already established. Rate of roll will be rapid. A different angle of bank can be
commanded, as in "Reverse hard as poss."
(10) All turning commands can be modified to direct the pilot to stop turning automatically
by specifying the number of degrees to turn to a specific heading on which to steady-up. For
example, "Left hard 40, steady 160," or "Right hard as poss to 160."
Elevation Control Commands
The pilot will execute all altitude commands by climbing or descending as appropriate.
(1) "Descend to ____" The pilot will descend to the designated altitude, maintaining
airspeed. The pilot will descend by retarding the throttles and using the speed brake as required.
(2) "Climb to ____" The pilot will climb to the designated altitude, maintaining airspeed
to level off. With a climb limit, the pilot will stop after climbing the designated number of feet
or reaching the designated altitude.
"Level off" The pilot will resume level flight.
The aircrew must be aware of exactly what a particular command means. If a command
requires a follow-up order, the pilot will continue until the appropriate command is given. Make
sure to use the proper terminology and always scan to verify that the pilot complies with
Speed Control Commands
Speed control commands alter fighter speed as required to complete a successful intercept.
(1) "Buster" This command requires full military power. Speed is allowed to increase to
the maximum allowed for the aircraft.
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