Counterturn Considerations
Successful drift control in the counterturn begins with accurate analysis of TA and is aided
by aggressive application of previously learned CT procedures. Still, abnormal drift in the
counterturn may occur. It can be caused by several factors, including misanalysis of TA or poor
drift control. Abnormal drift includes:
Immediate inward drift with a standard rate turn or less. The bogey is closer to CB
and the TA is less than previously estimated. The fighter must ease or reverse to cool
the bogey off, then allow controlled inward drift to begin.
Immediate outward drift after the DT. The bogey is farther from CB and more TA
exists than previously estimated. Use a harder turn to bring the bogey back to the
fighter's nose.
In addition to the drift curve, rate of closure (ROC) is very useful in recognition of hot/cold
CTs. For co-speed intercepts flown at 300 KTAS, certain range/ROC gates are helpful. An
actual ROC significantly higher than an ROC gate indicates a hot situation. An actual ROC
significantly less than an ROC gate indicates a cold situation. ROC range gates for VT-86 CTs
Range (nm)
"Heating up" or "Cooling off" a Counterturn
To correct for a hot counterturn, the fighter can ease the turn or reverse the turn and force
outward (cold) drift. This procedure is called "cooling him off." This is the same as lagging the
bogey more than the ideal drift pattern.
To correct for a cold counterturn, fighter can harden the turn to bring the bogey inside the
ideal drift pattern. It may be necessary to bring the bogey across the nose to the "hot" side of the
scope. This is the same as pulling lead on the bogey. A speed advantage may sometimes be
required. If so, the weapons officer will command a "buster" to ensure rolling out within
Sidewinder range.
Three things to keep in mind:
Once the fighter has less than 90 DTG, heating of the bogey becomes less effective.
However, cooling is always effective.
There are no set numbers for how much to heat up or cool off a counterturn; the longer
a bogey is hot, the more it has to be cooled off and vice versa.
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