AMRAAM (AIM-120) and Phoenix (AIM-54) Missile Employment
The Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) and the Phoenix are two of
the most sophisticated air-to-air missiles in the world. Like the Sparrow, they are both radar
guided, but carry their own radar systems that can "go active" after launch. Because both
missiles travel much faster than the fighter, the fighter must pull less lead prior to firing them,
just as in the Fox-1 shots. They are both long-range weapons, and thus are limited in the target
aspect they can handle. When simulating the employment of either missile, "Fox-3" will be
called over the UHF. Parameters for employing either missile during the advanced stage are as
1. Target locked up (STT) with good track presentation
2. Bogey confirmed hostile by GCI
3. Target slant range greater than 20 nm
4. Target aspect 20 degrees or less, and dot within steering circle (lead point = 1/2 TA in
opposite direction)
Forward Quarter Sidewinder
The Sidewinder may be employed in the forward quarter against an uncooperative bogey that
denies turning room to the fighter. One of the main objectives of this phase of training is for the
student to develop the ability to employ and interpret the radar to:
1. Detect bogey jinks during stage III of the intercept (post F-1)
2. The OUI MUST react aggressively to the initial jink (to create turning room in response
to a jink into or heat up a cold situation in the case of a jink away)
3. Correctly assess whether or not sufficient turning room exists to continue the counterturn
and react appropriately
If, after the initial reaction to cool off the CT, the bogey continues subsequent jinks into the
fighter, the fighter should bring the bogey to the nose in a hard-as-possible turn to get in position
for a forward quarter Fox-2 and follow-on close aboard merge. The forward quarter shot
opportunity occurs in the counterturn when the fighter is faced with the probability of fly-
through (merge) due to continued bogey heading jinks or hot-nosing. Recognition of the
necessity to break off the counterturn and "shoot him in the face" will be discussed in Part II of
this chapter. Once the decision is made, the forward quarter Fox-2 procedures are as follows:
1. Expeditiously bring the bogey to the nose; give multiple AREO calls; try to get a tally
2. Maneuver to place the dot within the ASE circle (AIM-9 selected)
3. Between 5 and 1.5 nm, with clearance confirmed, say "Your Dot/VID"; get a tally if one
has not already been attained
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