Used for:
Airports within 3 NM of course.
Vertical obstructions within 3 NM of course and 300' (AGL).
Route conflicts. Additional hazards include birds and aircraft. For these use relative position
(left/right) and altitude (high/low). Most T-1/T-39 low-altitude procedural calls are
identical to those used in T-34 VNAV. Fluency with these calls is critical, as they must
not detract from scan or other low-level navigation priorities-- for either the student or the
pilot. The importance of fluency in these calls is demonstrated in the examples below.
Quickly read through the first example once and answer the following questions without
referencing the previous text. Then, read the second example and try answering the same
EXAMPLE (Two Minute Prior Call):
"Looks like we are inside of two minutes prior to the next point... Outbound heading will be
about 293; wait that's wrong, I mean it will be a heading of 295. Altitude should be 500 feet
MS...no, AGL. Airspeed should be 300 indicated, compensated for 10 knots of tailwind makes
310 er, ahh 290 indicated. The turn point's a bridge.
Without referencing the previous paragraph, answer the following:
What is the outbound heading?
What is the outbound altitude?
What is outbound airspeed?
Is the turn point description sufficient to allow the pilot to assist in acquiring the
Now read the following and try answering the same questions:
"Two minutes prior to Bravo. Outbound heading 270.
Outbound Airspeed 290 indicated.
Recommend 500 feet AGL.
Turn point is a bridge perpendicular to course, with a grain elevator 1 NM. to the
right." .Regardless of how well you did with respect to the questions asked, consider
the following: If you were a pilot concentrating on keeping the aircraft traveling at 300 kts
(or faster) from hitting the ground (only 500 feet below you), which of the above would
you prefer?
7.14.1. For the most part, procedures for T-1/T-39 VNAV events are quite similar to those
learned in T-34 training. Following solid mission planning, the same basic fundamental process
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