5. LOW APPROACH - An approach over an airport or runway following an instrument
approach or a VFR approach including the go-around maneuver where the pilot intentionally
does not make contact with the runway. It is slightly different from requesting a "missed
approach." On this approach, you can proceed past the MAP/DH. Climbout instructions for a
"low approach" are not specified anywhere in writing and are those instructions you receive from
your controller.
There are numerous combinations for the type of approach and landing intentions. You can mix
and match between columns listed above, even for multiple approaches.
TACAN, touch and go, followed by a VOR, full stop.
PAR to missed approach, vectors ILS final, full stop.
Visual straight-in, full stop.
TACAN full stop.
ASR, touch and go, to the Tower.
A TACAN approach is a non-precision approach utilizing a terminal TACAN NAVAID for
azimuth and range information. The plan view and profile track (Figure 3-7) provides the
required courses and altitude restrictions necessary to execute the published approach.
TACAN approaches can be initiated from low or high altitude. Low TACAN approaches (found
in the Low Altitude Approach plates) are assumed if you request "TACAN." To request a
HI-TACAN approach, you must use the term "HI-TACAN." If an enroute descent has been
given from Center, you are most likely being set up for a low altitude approach. Requesting an
enroute descent to a HI-TACAN would not make sense.
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