Figure 3-2 Flight Log #2
Now let us analyze our clearance:
"KATT 450 - Aircraft identifier NAS Pensacola, Clearance limit (always a position, place
or fix) via direct TRADR direct GPT, then as filed, Route of flight portion approved via
TRADR, then GPT, then exactly as filed on DD 175. Climb and maintain 3000, Initial
climb altitude; expect FL230 ten minutes after, Altitude you can expect to receive 10
minutes after takeoff. Squawk 2000, Transponder code. Departure frequency 270.8,
Departure control frequency."
Aircrew should review the clearance to ensure the aircraft can comply with the clearance. If
unable to comply, notify the controlling agency and request an amended clearance. Immediately
after clearance has completed reading off your clearance, initiate your readback. It is not
unusual for clearance to change some points of the filed flight plan. A change from your filed
flight plan will be notified as follows:
"KATT 813 is cleared to Tuscaloosa except change route to read: direct TRADR,
BROOKLEY, ENSLY then as filed. Climb and maintain 4000, expect 8000 ten minutes
after departure. Squawk 4312. Departure frequency 270.8."
"...Then as filed" means from that point, your clearance is exactly
as you filed in your flight plan.
The majority of the remaining ground and departure communications are very similar to that
previously stated under VFR procedures. Deviations due to operations out of the local area are
illustrated in the paragraphs below.
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