Example: We are currently on an assigned vector of 300:
"BUCK 715, contact Atlanta Center on 350.6"
"BUCK 715, switching 350.6."
After switching,
"Atlanta Center, BUCK 715, FL 250 on a vector
"BUCK 715, Atlanta Center, roger, resume own
navigation direct Macon."
"BUCK 715, direct Macon."
If you fail to remind the controller that the previous person gave you a vector, don't be surprised
if he calls in a few minutes and asks where you are going.
As you approach your destination airfield, or the airfield in which you want to make a practice
approach, you will be switched to the appropriate Approach Controller. When checking in with
the Approach Controller, the following information should be given: "Call sign, altitude, ATIS
information identifier, type approach requested."
When flying high performance aircraft with ceilings above 10,000 feet, aircrew have the choice
of flying a "Penetration Approach" or requesting a descent to fly a "Low Altitude" approach. As
you near your destination (or enroute field for practice approaches), Center may ask what type of
"arrival" you desire, either an enroute descent or a penetration.
An enroute descent would be requested if you wanted to fly a low altitude approach or wanted
vectors to final for a GCA, ILS, visual straight-in, VFR entry, or a TACAN final. The common
factor for these approaches is that they all begin at a low altitude. Low altitude approaches are
found in the low altitude approach plates.
A penetration, or high approach, is begun from an initial approach fix at an altitude normally
above 15,000 feet. For fuel economy, many jets prefer to stay at altitude until switched to
Approach Control. Center may step you down gradually (so you don't arrive at FL 330, for
instance), but you will likely still be above 15,000 MSL. Penetration approaches (i.e., HI-
TACAN, HI-ILS) will be found in the high altitude approach plates.
Remember, desired approaches are requested normally from Approach Control. The Center
controller will assume you want an enroute descent. If you want to fly a high instrument
approach procedure, either requesting the high altitude initial approach fix for that approach or
requesting the "Penetration" will be enough information for the Center controller to realize you
do not want an enroute descent. Do not accept a clearance to the initial approach fix if you do
not want to fly that approach.
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