Let us follow the departures for all four runways and note how an aircraft would comply with
applicable altitude restrictions when it has been cleared to 9000 feet.
The Takeoff
Runway 01: First ensure you have a climb rate of at least 500 FPM if you are in a T-34
climbing out at 120 KIAS (Top right corner of DP). Next you turn left to join the NPA 295
radial outbound. Ensure you level off no higher than 2000 feet (till 8 DME). After 8 DME you
can begin your climb again to your assigned altitude, unless on the TRADR transition.
Runway 7L/R: Turn left to join the NPA 295 radial outbound. A recommended heading to join
the radial is 270. Once established on the radial, turn right to 295 (if in a no-wind condition).
Climb to assigned altitude, unless on the TRADR transition.
Runway 19: First, ensure a climb rate of at least 920 fpm. Next, turn left immediately to a
heading of 145. At 3 DME, arc to the NE, Level off at 4000 feet, and ensure you cross the NPA
radials 030 and 340 at 4000 feet. After crossing the 340 radial, climb to your assigned altitude,
unless on the TRADR transition. Then turn right to intercept the NPA radial 295 outbound.
Runway 25: Turn right immediately to join the NPA 295 radial outbound. A recommended
heading is 320. Once established on the radial, turn left to a heading of 295 (if in a no wind
condition). Climb to your assigned altitude, unless on the TRADR transition.
Established on the 295 Radial
Fly the NPA 295 radial to MENTR (NPA 295/9) then via the assigned transition.
The Transition
ENSLY Transition: Arc NW on a 9 DME arc. Turn left (outbound) to intercept the NPA 340
radial. Fly the radial until reaching ENSLY (NPA 340/27).
MOA Transition: Turn left heading 180 and wait for vectors into the MOA.
TRADR Transition: Maintain 4000 feet. Turn left direct to RAZLE (NPA 257/19). A
recommended heading is 232. After RAZLE, turn right direct to TRADR (NPA 264/37). A
recommended heading is 271. Upon reaching TRADR, you are cleared to climb to your
assigned altitude.
Standard Terminal Arrivals
Standard Terminal Arrivals (STARs) (Figure 8-6) are available for many areas of high traffic
density. They assist ATC in the sequencing and separation of IFR traffic to these terminal areas.
A STAR works like a DP in reverse, taking the aircraft from enroute navigation to a position
from which an approach can be commenced. The STAR uses airways and fixes with published
altitude restrictions for a standard let down to the terminal area (Figure 8-7). As with DPs,
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