The use of DPs by Naval Aviators is not mandatory by OPNAV, but their use is encouraged,
provided no flight degradation will ensue. Pilots of aircraft operating from locations where DP
procedures are effective may expect ATC clearances containing a DP. Use of a DP requires pilot
possession of at least the textual description of the DP procedures. Controllers may omit the
departure control frequency if it is published on the DP. If the pilot, for any other reason, does
not wish to use a DP, he is expected to advise ATC.
You may find that certain high density military installations
require DP usage for noise abatement or other reasons. Some may
require a DP briefing from Base Operations prior to departure.
DPs will be depicted in one of two basic forms:
Pilot Navigation (PILOT NAV) DPs are established where the pilot is primarily
responsible for navigation on the DP route. They are established for airports when terrain and
safety related factors indicate the necessity for a PILOT NAAV DP. Some PILOT NAV DPs
may contain vector instructions which pilots are expected to comply with until instructions are
received to resume normal navigation on the filed/assigned route or DP procedure.
VECTOR DPs are established where ATC will provide radar navigational guidance to
filed/assigned route or to a fix depicted on the DP.
Often a DP will route aircraft close to restricted/warning areas, high terrain or vertical
obstructions. Adherence to such a DP is especially critical if the aircraft is IMC or has lost
communications (NORDO). If a DP is requested, the aircrew must meet minimum climb rate
required for crossing restrictions. When using a DP, the DP and transition point must be stated
in your ATC clearance. Once a DP is accepted in a clearance, the aircrew must conform to exact
routings, altitudes and specific restrictions shown on the departure chart, or received from the air
traffic controller. Figure 8-2 is an example of a DP for Oceana NAS.
Except for radar vectors, route amendments to the published procedure will not be accepted
unless the entire procedure is issued verbatim.
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