Numerous birds on and in vicinity of airfield throughout the year.
Expect increased activity during Phase II (1 October - 31 March)
and at dawn/disk + 1 hr. Gulls, cattle egrets, pigeons, doves, and
raptors account for over 85% of bird strikes. Pelicans, cormorants,
shorebirds, herons, egrets, storks, and owls are also on and around
the airfield. Bird Watch Conditions Codes:
LOW - Normal bird activity on and above the airfield with a
low probability of hazards.
MODERATE - Increased bird population in locations which
represent an increased potential for strike. This condition
requires increased vigilance by all agencies and supervisors
and caution by aircrews.
SEVERE - High bird population on or immediately above
the active runway or other specific location that represents a
high potential for strike. Airfield flying operations will be
suspended until airfield management personnel disperses the
birds and downgrades the condition.
Figure 2-3 AP/1 Supplementary Remarks
Preferred IFR Routes
A system of preferred routes has been established to guide pilots in planning their route of flight
to minimize route changes during the operational phase of flight, and to aid in the efficient,
orderly management of air traffic using the federal airways. The preferred routings are designed
to serve the needs of airspace users and to provide for a systematic flow of air traffic in the major
terminal and enroute environments. Cooperation by all pilots in filing preferred routes will result
in fewer traffic delays and will better provide for efficient departure, enroute, and arrival air
traffic service.
Preferred routes that begin or end with an airway number indicate that the airway essentially
overflies the airport and flights are normally cleared directly on the airway. All preferred routes
are listed alphabetically under the name of the departure airport. Major airports in close
proximity are listed under the principal airport and characterized as a metropolitan area; e.g.,
Chicago Metro Area. NAVAID radials may be used to describe a route to intercept a specified
airway (MIV MIV101 V39); another NAVAID radial (VIM VIM255 GSW081); or an
intersection (GSW081 FITCH). The route is direct where two NAVAIDs, an intersection and a
NAVAID, a NAVAID and a NAVAID radial and distance point or any navigable combination of
these route descriptions follow in succession. The number of Enroute Charts required for a flight
by a preferred route are listed in parentheses at the end of the routing for your convenience.
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