If a DP/SID is used, enter the coded identifier (if none is available, enter the name and number),
followed by either the termination point or the transition fix.
Look at the MENTR-NINE in Figure 2-12. There are three possible choices:
ENSLY Transition
MOA Transition
TRADR Transition
Each is written as follows:
Therefore, if a DP/SID is used, it is the first entry in the route of flight.
As stated earlier, the example route does not utilize a DP/SID. Therefore, the first point in the
route of flight is the planned NAVAID or fix for entering the enroute structure; i.e., VOR,
TACAN/DME fix, named intersection etc.
Figure 2-14 Route of Flight
The route is written without the preposition "TO" connecting the points. In addition, there are no
commas or other punctuation marks separating them. If the route spills over to two or three
lines, it is all right. Notice that Marianna (MAI) and Tallahassee (TLH) are not listed. Since the
segment of V198 we are using starts at CEW and passes through MAI on the way to GEF, there
is no need to list MAI (or any other TACAN that lies on an airway between your entry and exit
points for that airway).
The symbol D never appears on a DD 175. To indicate direct, list the points or NAVAIDs in
correct order without any words or symbols preceding them. For example, if we had a flight
from NAS Pensacola to CEW, then J-39 to MGM, J-4 to MEI, direct from MEI to SJI and then
direct to the Navy Pensacola IAF we would write:
Figure 2-15 Route of Flight 2
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