In instances where you fly direct, (i.e., if your desired route of flight is between two NAVAIDs
not connected by an airway) you can utilize the method just illustrated to determine your
preflight course.
In our example, CEW is 40 NM away, but L/O occurs at 28 NM. When this situation occurs, list
the L/O first, followed by the first navigational checkpoint. The " D " is a shorthand symbol
for direct.
Figure 1-7 SE Jet Fuel Log L-002
The DIST and ETE blocks are split. This is explained later. Also,
note the manner in which the CEW TACAN channel is written and
the position of the Morse code identifier applying to Crestview.
There is only one instance when L/O is not your first entry that is when L/O occurs after the first
navigational checkpoint. In this case, L/O is preceded by the navigational checkpoint. ETEs,
LEG FUELS, and EFRs are not entered for navigational checkpoints that occur before L/O. It is
not practical or necessary to estimate times and fuels to a point before L/O, because these
computations occur at a non-linear rate.
We can now complete and analyze the L/O line.
Figure 1-8 SE Jet Flight Log L-O
From our T/O point (NPA), we intend to fly directly to Crestview, hence D CEW. We use
TACAN channel 106 and its accompanying Morse code identifier is: . On a
course of 045 (to CEW), it takes us 25 NM and 11 minutes to L/O at 15,000 feet. We use 50 lbs
of fuel. The remaining fuel at L/O is 725 lbs. We always assume the T-34C has 815 lbs of fuel
aboard minus 40 lbs for start, taxi, and T/O. The distance from the L/O point to CEW 045015
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