Figure 1-18 Same as Cruising Profile
In Figure 1-18, you utilize the same two IAFs as you did in the cruising profile; therefore, all of
this block up to and including the distance is identical to the preceding profile. Your ETE is now
based on conditions predicted at 5000 feet (i.e., 190 KTAS, wind of 220/10, fuel flow of 283
The ETE changes to 24 minutes.
The third alternate profile is titled Bingo. The word Bingo is a Navy originated term referring to
a "go" or "no go" decision based on your fuel state. When you compute a Bingo fuel number, it
represents the minimum amount of fuel you must have in order to fly to an alternate/divert
airfield and land safely with a certain amount of reserve fuel aboard. Bingo fuel therefore
represents a decision point. Never go below your Bingo fuel. If you do, you lose your option of
going to an alternate/divert field.
Bingo fuels are computed for both IFR and VFR circumstances. The IFR option guarantees
more reserve fuel than the VFR. Bingo fuels are based on aircraft characteristics and differ with
each type of aircraft. Here in VT-10/4, you compute your Bingo fuel utilizing IFR Bingo
information only.
The Bingo profile represents the scenario of your aircraft flying an approach down to minimums
and not being able to land. Therefore, your position is very close to overhead the field. Our
flight path is measured from our destination airfield (where we executed a missed approach)
directly to our alternate airfield, because a "Bingo" can be such a critical evolution.
To get the proper course and distance, simply connect the two aerodromes depicted on your
enroute chart and take the measurements in the same manner as you did with all previous legs of
The course/distance in our example is 122/82 NM. Enter the Bingo chart below between 50/100
NM and interpolate for the IFR Bingo fuel. Additionally, interpolate for the best altitude,
indicated airspeed and descent point.
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