1. Tune and identify the required radio facility (TACAN channel 119 for the MENTR-FIVE
departure). VOR and TACAN stations are subject to line of sight limitations so you may be
unable to receive them before takeoff. Therefore leave the navaid audio switch forward until you
have received a good ident. If neither VOR nor TACAN are required by the assigned departure
procedure, it is prudent to leave one tuned to the departure airfield station to expedite and
emergency recovery.
2. Set the appropriate course in the IND-350 (285 in this case). Check that the VOR-
TACAN switch is in the correct position (TACAN in this case).
3. Set assigned squawk into transponder. Approaching the hold short line, switch
transponder to "ALTITUDE".
4. During the takeoff and climbout, observe that the NAv flag in the IND-350 disappears.
Establish your scan.
5. Make initial contact with Departure Control once safely airborne.
6. Continue enroute following the procedures listed under the departure route description on
the departure plate. In the specific case of the MENTR-FIVE departure from runway 19 you will
proceed as follows:
a. Turn left at a standard rate (approximately 25 AOB) to a heading of 145. Continue
climbing to 3000 feet MSL.
b. Turn left to intercept the 3 DME arc (don't forget to turn at the proper lead point!)
c. Arc at 3 DME as discussed in Chapter 4. Ensure you are level at 3000 feet MSL by
the 020 radial.
d. Passing the 300 radial, start a climb to 8000 feet MSL.
e. Turn right (at the proper lead point) to join the 285 radial and track it outbound to
Common Errors
1. Forgetting to set up radios and transponder for the departure prior to takeoff.
2. Not setting up navaids properly, i.e:
a. Not twisting departure course in the IND-350, and not checking that the VOR-
TACAN switch is in the proper position.
b. Not switching to the T/R position on the TACAN. You must be in the T/R position to
receive DME information.
c. Not identifying the station you tune. You must always identify each station you tune
by having the proper audio switch forward.
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