In Chapter Three of this text you were introduced to the Tactical Air Navigation system
(TACAN). That lesson restricted its scope to the use of a TACAN for tracking inbound and
outbound on predetermined radials. However, in this lesson, we will explore another utilization
of the TACAN which will permit us to fly from one point to another without radial tracking.
The TACAN is a very versatile navaid, and in this chapter, your understanding of its possible
uses will be expanded. TACAN Point-to-Point navigation consists of flying from one TACAN
position (or point) to another TACAN point, as defined from the same TACAN station. Because
point-to-point navigation simply connects two known positions with a straight line, it is both
expeditious and economical with respect to fuel.
Point-to-Point navigation employs principles previously taught to you, especially distance
between radials, minimum DME, wind determination and course control. It is a good exercise in
your understanding of navigation and will be used in almost every one of your flights here in
VT-10 and in the fleet.
You will be introduced to three methods of point-to-point determination. These are not the
only methods, nor should they be viewed as completely distinct from one another; however, they
are the most appropriate for you at your stage of training and will provide you with the principles
needed to practice the procedures in flight.
Your ability to logically determine where you are, where you are going, and how to get there
should always play a large role in your navigational calculations. Mechanical, analytical, and
"gouge" methods are all subject to some equipment error which can only be countered by human
logic. Therefore, employing logic from the beginning should be your primary method of solving
If you are on the NPA 180025 and you desire to go to the NPA 090050, you will have to
determine a heading and course to get you there. Mentally picture your present position from the
TACAN. Next, picture the destination and connect them with an . imaginary line. Your
estimation of the direction and length of that line will provide you with a good basis on which to
commence your point-to-point navigation.
A means of further confirming the mental picture is simply to draw it out. (Figure 1)
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