d. TWIST - Ensure that the inbound course (321) is set in the IND-350 intercept the
course inbound.
e. TALK - report initial approach fix leaving altitude.
"Pensacola Approach, Turbo 11, leaving 3000."
APP CONT: "Turbo 11, Pensacola Approach, roger."
f. TRACK - Inbound on the 321 course.
2. Intercept and maintain the arc. This step may occur before the above steps are
completed. Remember to use the proper lead point (10.7 DME). Once established on the arc
twist in the final approach course (263).
NOTE: Some approaches have progressively lower minimum altitudes on various segments of
the arc.
3. 30 prior to the Final Approach Course, slow to 120
4. Anticipate interception of the final approach course referencing the TACAN needle and
the CDI while on the arc. Remember, this is almost a 90 intercept. Lead your turn by the
proper amount. The published lead radial (LR-095) gives a 2 mile lead. Yours should be the R-
5. Once established inbound on the FAC, or with a shallow intercept, transition to the basic
approach configuration.
NOTE: A shallow intercept is defined as aircraft heading within 20 of the published inbound
6. Complete the landing checklist.
Approach control will normally switch you to Tower 812 miles from the field. You need
to be dirty in order to report the gear down at the FAF.
7. Maintain 120 knots while tracking inbound to the final approach fix.
8. At the final approach fix the procedures are the same as for previous approaches except
no timing is involved. The MAP is defined by DME.
9. Upon reaching the missed approach point (1.0 DME prior to TACAN in this case), if the
field is in sight and the aircraft is in a position to make a safe landing, descent below MDA is
authorized. If both conditions are not met execute a missed approach. Some approaches may
have a Visual Descent Point (VDP) prior to the MAP. If so, descent below MDA is not
authorized until past the VDP and the field is in sight. At the VDP, a normal rate of descent
(often coincident with VASI or OLS glideslope) may be used to touchdown.
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