Mastery of the Learning objectives listed at the beginning of each unit will ensure
satisfactory completion of the INAV/Flight Planning Exam.
Description of examination
The Basic INAV end-of-course examination comprises approximately twenty-five of fifty
total objective-type questions on the Flight Planning Exam.
Time allocation
Three hours (3+00) are allotted for the Flight Planning Exam.
Standards and grading criteria
In order to successfully complete the examination, you are required to correctly answer a
minimum of 80% of the questions.
Materials required
The instructor will provide all test materials required for the examination. Text books, class
notes or other study aids are prohibited. RMI's and CR-2's may be utilized on the examination.
Testing Procedures
The examination will begin "on time". Students late by less than ten minutes will be
permitted to take the examination with their class; however, scheduled completion time remains
in effect. Time extensions for late arrivals are prohibited. Students arriving in excess of ten
minutes late will be referred to the Academic Training Officer for disposition. All international
students will be given an additional 15 minutes to complete the examination.
The instructor will provide an examination, answer sheets, and pencil to each student.
After commencement of the examination, students who leave the room are not permitted re-
entry until all students have completed and examination materials have been collected.
Should questions arise during the examination period, students should raise their hand for
instructor assistance.
Writing in examination booklets is prohibited. 9-1
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