Now that we have established our present position and desired position relative to the TACAN
station, we must connect them to determine what our course will be. The implement with which
you will be connecting them will be a pencil or pen. Why a pencil or pen? Because, as an
aviator, you will always have one handy and because either one will approximate a straight line
(or course) fairly well.
To perform the pencil method, simply connect the two points by placing the tip of the pencil on
the desired position and the butt of the pencil on the present position. Then carefully slide
your pencil in a parallel manner to the center of the RMI and where your pencil intercepts the
numerical values on the compass rose, read off your course (Figures 7,8,9).
Figure 5-8
Upon turning to the heading determined by this method, the fixes should be vertical and
parallel to the "top-to-bottom" line through the center of the compass card. In Figure 9 note that
the course is 230. When you turn to 230, the pencil that connects the points becomes vertical.
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