Figure 4
d. Final Approach Fix (FAF) symbol; denotes location of
e. Course information.
f. Procedure turn maneuvering area; procedure turn must be completed within this
g. Missed approach procedures.
h. Missed approach. point.
4. Minimum section - found just below the profile view (Figure 5).
Figure 5
a. Aircraft Approach Category.
b. Minimum descent altitude (MDA); expressed as an MSL altitude. Descent below this
altitude is unauthorized until the runway environment is in sight, the aircraft is past the
Visual Descent Point (if required), and the pilot can maneuver safely to a landing.
c. Visibility required for the approach in statute miles. RVR in hundreds of feet may be
given in place in visibility for an approach to a straight-in landing.
d. Height above touchdown (HAT): height of MDA (or DH) above the touchdown zone
elevation (used with straight-in mins).
e. Ceilings - visibility: used for filing purposes and commencing an approach.
f. Height above Airport (HAA): height of MDA above published airport elevation (used
for circling mins).
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