For turns at a navaid, lead the turn by minimum DME plus 1/2 of 1% of ground speed. In
this case "Mark On Top" shall be defined as the TACAN needle passing either 90 benchmark
(wingline) on the RMI.
When turning at a fix not located at a NAVAID, simply lead the turn by 1/2 of 1% of ground
speed. In either case only lead turns that are greater than 30.
xamples: Figures 24 and 25.
Keep in mind that even though both of the following examples are turns onto direct legs, we
must also lead turns onto airways. If you are turning onto an airway, and even after properly
leading the turn you roll wings-level and find yourself not on the airway (due to gusting winds or
nonstandard rate of turn or whatever), you must turn to intercept the airway in an expeditious
manner. If you are turning onto a direct leg, simply lead the turn as described above, tune and
identify the "new" TACAN station, and as you roll wings-level fly the course indicated by the
head of the #2 needle.
Figure 24
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