Figure 20
Measuring from the AEX compass rose will give you a course of approximately 050.
The procedure for flying direct is slightly different from airways flight. Anytime you are
filed direct to a TACAN station, the straight-line course from your chart is the one you will be
expected to maintain. When you tune up the navaid, determine the inbound course and maintain
it. In the next example (Figure 21), assume that your clearance reads: "J-4 MEI direct SJI..."
Upon arriving near Meridian:
1. Turn the aircraft toward the preflighted course to SJI (approximately 160).
2. Tune and identify the Semmes Vortac.
3. Fly the course that is indicated by the head of the #2 needle once you are wings-level on
heading 160 and compensate for any wind that is present.
"High" class navaids have a minimum guaranteed reception range of 130nm.
If the direct leg is greater than 130 nm, you may have to fly outbound on the preflighted
radial until within 130nm of the next NAVAID, then switch over and fly inbound as stated
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