Figure 13
When planning a flight as well as completing a DD-175 flight plan, airways may be entered
or exited at: NAVAIDS, NAMED INTERSECTIONS, or NAMED FIXES. In actual flight,
ATC may vector you on or off an airway as necessary. A fix is a geographical position
determined by visual reference to the surface, or in the case of Instrument Navigation, by
reference to one or more radio NAVAIDS. A single NAVAID could reference a fix by use of
radial and DME. In Figure 12, "DEFUN" is a named fix defined by the Crestview VORTAC R-
088 at 28 DME. An intersection is a point defined by any combination of courses, radials, or
bearings of two or more navigational aids.
In the following example (Figure 14), you could file to enter J-52 at GRW or IGB. These
VORTACS define a segment of J-52. Note that only the airways that use a navaid have
numerical designations for the radials adjacent to its compass rose.
Figure 14
Now, take a careful look at the next example (Figure 15). You can NOT file to enter/exit J-
63 at the Hancock (HNK) VORTAC. Note the line representing the airway circumvents the
navaid and there are no radial designations for J-63 in the vicinity of HNK. This "loop" indicates
that Hancock is NOT part of J-63.
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