Figure 12
You should slow to holding airspeed within three minutes of reaching the holding fix. The
maximum holding airspeed for all aircraft is found in FLIP General Planning, Chapter 5. The
T-39 maximum holding airspeed is 230 kts. The T-34 maximum holding airspeed is 175 kts.
Recommended holding airspeed for the T-34 is 120 KIAS. The recommended holding
airspeed for the T-39 is 200 KIAS.
Holding pattern entry turns depicted on high altitude approach charts are provided for
aircrew convenience and are recommended procedures only.
These entry procedures are referred to and depicted on approach plates as a left turn (LT),
right turn (RT), and teardrop (TD), (Figure 13); however, they are commonly referred
to as Direct Entry, Teardrop, and Outbound Parallel. The angular difference between the
holding course and the aircraft heading when you cross the holding fix determines the type of
entry procedures you will use. You must navigate to the holding fix prior to executing any of
the holding entry procedures. For all procedures, once you cross the holding fix you are
considered to be "in holding."
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