NOTE: This method is to be used when flying an arc close to the station (< 20 nm). However,
when flying arcs farther from the navaid, the bearing pointer should be kept on or within 2 to 3
of the wingtip position.
For example, if you allow the bearing pointer to move 10 behind the wingtip position on a
50 nm arc, your distance from the station would increase faster than you would cross radials.
Therefore, a 50 nm arc would be impossible to maintain using the same methods for flying an arc
close to the station because of the greater distance between radials.
Figure 10
Now, if the aircraft depicted in the above illustration (Figure 10) continues on a heading of
360, it will eventually increas e its DME, and its radial will have ch anged as shown in
the following illustration.
Figure 11
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