Figure 1
3. In the T-39, ADF bearing information is displayed on a needle of the Electronic
Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI).
The EHSI (Figure 2) displays aircraft magnetic heading with navigational bearing data and
consists of a rotating compass card, two bearing pointers called No.l and No. 2 needles and a
range indicator. The compass card is actuated by the aircraft compass system. Aircraft magnetic
heading is displayed beneath the top index or "fiducial" marker. The No. 1 needle displays ADF
information. The T-34's Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) is similar to a EHSI but no distance
information is displayed.
When the aircraft compass system is functioning correctly, the ADF needle will display
magnetic bearing to a selected NDB station. Although the ADF system still generates a relative
bearing, the EHSI automatically solves the formula (magnetic bearing equals magnetic heading
plus relative bearing) by constantly positioning the aircraft's magnetic heading at the top of the
compass card.
NOTE: In the event of a malfunction of the aircraft's compass system, the No. 1 needle will not
indicate a magnetic bearing but will still point toward the
station and continue to provide relative bearing.
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