6. Establish an appropriate intercept to the missed approach course or continue the turn to
the designated heading. The missed approach course may be twisted when comfortably
established in the missed approach. Retract flaps passing 300 feet AGL.
7. Continue the 120 knot climb and report missed approach to tower:
"Bob Sikes Tower, Turbo 11, missed approach."
NOTE: Include the reason for the missed approach unless initiated by ATC.
"Navy Turbo 11, Bob Sikes Tower, roger, contact Crestview Approach,
frequency 272.7."
"Turbo 11, switching 272.7." 7-49
NOTE: You may delay contacting tower or approach control until comfortably established in a
wings level climb, on assigned heading or with an intercept established for the missed approach
course. "Aviate, navigate, communicate."
8. Level off at missed approach altitude.
NOTE: It is possible to intercept the missed approach course while still in the climb. Watch the
tail of the needle and if it approaches the missed approach course, turn the aircraft and intercept
while continuing the climb.
9. After the missed approach, ATC needs to know your intentions.
a. Request another approach, fuel permitting. If you flew a bad approach (off altitude or
course), you might request clearance to fly the same approach again. If the weather is bad and
the field has another approach with lower minimums (such as a GCA approach), you might
request clearance to fly it. In the first case, the voice report would be: "Crestview Approach,
Turbo 11, missed approach, request clearance for another VOR Bravo approach."
b. If weather and/or fuel considerations dictate proceeding to your alternate, request
clearance using the DRAFT format (pestination, Route, Altitude, Fuel, Time enroute). The
voice report using the DRAFT format would be: "Crestview Approach, Turbo 11, missed
approach, request clearance to my alternate, Navy Whiting Field, via direct Crestview, direct
Navy Whiting, request 4500, 1+30 fuel remaining, 0+20 enroute."
Common Errors
1. Scan: When you first execute the missed approach, stay on the attitude gyro exclusively
until the aircraft is cleaned up and trimmed up. Raise the nose no more than 6-8 above the
horizon and your airspeed won't get slow.
2. Letting the nose attitude drop when commencing the turn. This allows the airspeed to get
fast and the climb rate to decay. Stay on the attitude gyro and maintain the climb attitude.
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