Procedure The following procedures assume clearance for the TACAN RWY 25L approach at
NAS Pensacola (Figure 15) has been received and you are proceeding direct to the IAF at 3000'.
1. At the IAF:
a. TIME - Not applicable
NOTE: If the turn to intercept the initial approach is more than 90, a clearance may be
requested from ATC to execute a teardrop type maneuver to avoid having an excessive angle of
intercept. Clearance must be obtained from ATC. Clearance for the approach does not include
clearance for use of holding or maneuver airspace.
NOTE: In this approach there is a short inbound leg, flown from the IAF, prior to intercepting
the arc. In some approaches the IAF is already on the arc.
b. TURN - To intercept and track inbound to the arc on the depicted course (321).
c. TRANSITION - Perform a terminal descent at 150 KIAS to the minimum altitude for
this segment (1200').
If holding was accomplished prior to the approach accelerate to 150 knots leaving
the IAF.
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