location. Consideration must also be given to terminating fluid trail if weather is
marginal, wingmen loose sight, or you are unaware of you current position. You will
decide where threats are located, but try and make it within 5NM of centerline near a
recognizable geographic point. Use unclassified threat rings to identify a threat; we will
assume that we will get shot down if we get within the threat ring.
In-Trail block: In trail is used on departure to route entry, IP thru the DZ, thru the
recovery, and during the lead change.
Line abreast: This is where we simulate flying over the "Line of Communication"
or LOC in line abreast formation. Have exactly one per route. Make it no closer than
5nm from a turnpoint and try to make it coincide with a major highway on our route. List
the highway name and the turnpoint boundaries for the line abreast leg.
Lead change: If it is a two ship, make the lead change after the low approach at
the transition field on the leg to the next route. If it is a three ship, have each crew lead
for approximately 1/3 of the total sortie. Crew "B" will take lead for the first drop and
low approach at the transition field. Crew "C" will take the lead after the low approach
and lead the second route through the second drop. Crew "A" will retake the lead after
the second drop and lead the instrument approach back to NGP. Therefore, in the "lead
change" block list the one turnpoint for the lead change for a two ship and the turnpoints
corresponding to the two lead changes during the first route for a three ship.
Assembly: This is the assembly right after takeoff at NGP. Use 500' MSL and
150 kts.
Drop: List the MSL altitude that corresponds to 1000' AGL for the drop and the
airspeed. For example, if the highest point on the Mellon DZ is 51' MSL put
"1051' M/120 KIAS" (T-44) or "1051' M/130 KIAS" (TC-12).
10. Recovery: Pick a runway that is most nearly aligned to the forecast terminal winds
(the runway does not have to be long enough as we are planning a low approach). It can
be a downwind or an overhead. If you choose a downwind entry, make sure you list
either a left or right downwind and the direction makes sense based on the heading we
are entering the pattern. Keep in mind that we must fly left hand patterns/turns at
uncontrolled airports unless right hand patterns are specified (per FAR 91.126 & 91.127).
Specify the airport and which runway (L or R) if there are parallels. Put the MSL pattern
altitude that corresponds to 800' AGL for the downwind or 1000' AGL for the overhead.
Mission Cmdr/Dep: Don't forget to list the mission commander (the IP listed as
mission lead on the schedule). Designate another IP in the formation as the deputy.
Route, type of drop: List the name of the second route and specify a type of drop.
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